
Study Schedule and Resource Links...

Sunday "Time For Truth" Study Following the 10:30AM Sunday Morning Worship Service, usually beginning at about Noon, study classes for all ages gather for biblically based lessons that also provide practical life applications. The study is provided over a free meal for all in attendance.

Wednesday Night Bible Study Classes for our Armor Bearers (Youth 10-12) and our Crusaders (Teenagers) meet for an energetic and interactive Bible Study at 6:00PM. Classes for the Sprouts (Kids 3-5), Sun Beams (Kids 5-9) and the Adults begin at 7:00PM.

Special Classes, Workshops and Retreats Throughout the year, special educational activities are offered both on and off site. Keep an eye on our Announcements for more details.

New Member/New Believer Course Those who are new to the faith, inquisitive about the faith, or just new to our congregation are provided a wonderful introduction to Biblical Christianity and the Ujima Village Christian Church by pastor. This Course is scheduled as announced... but, if you are interested, feel free to contact the pastor personally.

Great Resources for Personal Growth...

This is not an endorsement of everything provided through these links... We always encourage prayerful discernment... But, we have found them to be generally faithful to Historic Biblical Christianity. (These Links will take you off of our website)
