Sunday “In-Person” Worship - 10:30 AM 

Sunday Online Worship Posted by 3:30PM at

Sunday Time for Truth Classes after Morning Worship

Prayer Meeting and Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6:30PM

New Members / Inquirers Class Scheduled Upon Request

Children’s Special Catechism Classes as scheduled

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BLACK HISTORY MONTH PRESENTATIONS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please see sister Norwood to schedule your Sunday.

THE CONSISTORY WILL MEET on tomorrow,  Monday, January 13th, at 6:30PM, via conference call.

THE WORSHIP LEADERS’ MEETING will be on Monday, January 27th, at 6:30PM, via conference call.

“RIGHTEOUS RELATIONSHIPS” - A WORKSHOP & LUNCH WITH SESSIONS FOR SINGLES & MARRIED COUPLES on Saturday, February 8th, from 10 AM to 1 PM. A sign-up sheet is in the vestibule of the sanctuary.

BIBLE-OLYMPICS on Wednesday, February 12th, at 6:30PM

FOUNDER’S DAY - 33rd CHURCH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION on Sunday, February 16th. Details to follow.

WOMEN OF NIA ZOOM BIBLE STUDY MEETING will be held Friday, January 17th at 6:30pm. Please plan to attend and invite others to join us as well.

THE COALITION OF YOUNG BELIEVERS (20-30 SOMETHINGS) WILL HOST THEIR WINTER SOCIAL on Saturday, Feb 1st at 6pm. Sis Trinity Norwood will be hosting at her home, so please RSVP with her to get details/directions.

THE CHOIR WILL REHEARSE on the 2nd and 4th Sundays immediately following the Time for Truth class.

THE MIGHTY MEN will rehearse after worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.

UJIMA’S MIGHTY MEN MEET IN-PERSON & BY CONFERENCE CALL  for fellowship on the first Sundays at 9:30AM in the Lighthouse Café. This is an Outreach Opportunity!

PASTOR NORWOOD’S RECENT SERMONS can be downloaded or streamed online at or or at

Upcoming 2025 Holy Days and Special Observances: Church Anniversary 2/16; Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins) 3/5; Palm Sunday 4/13; Holy Thursday 4/17; Good Friday 4/18; Resurrection Sunday 4/10; Ascension Day 5/29; Pentecost 6/8; Reformation Day 10/31 (Observed 10/26); Lights & Remembrance 11/2; Thanksgiving Eve 11/26; Advent Begins 11/30; Christmas 12/25; Watch Night 12/31