Resources for Growth
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"Norwood’s Notes"
Originally Sunday Worship Bulletin inserts written by Pastor Norwood on a variety of topics to build a basic Bible knowledge, aid in spiritual formation, and doctrinal understanding. As is the case with basic study aids like "Cliff's Notes" or "Monarch Notes," These notes are intended only as basic introductory overviews to encourage better understanding and further study.
Brief Summaries of Bible Stories: These “notes” are intended to provide a general overview of the basic stories of the Bible in the hope of building greater biblical knowledge and encouraging Bible reading and study.
- The “Pre-History,” Genesis 1-11
- “Abraham to Jacob,” Genesis 12-29
- "Jacob to Joseph," Genesis 29-45
- "From Joseph to the Call of Moses," Genesis 45 - Exodus 4
- "Moses and the Exodus," Exodus 4-15
- "Manna, Quail, & Commandments," Exodus 15-24
- "The Tabernacle & The Priesthood," Exodus 24 - Numbers 12
- "Wandering in the Wilderness," Numbers 13-24
- "From Moses to Joshua," Numbers 25 - Joshua 8
- "From Joshua to the Judges," Joshua 9 - Judges 2
- "Othniel to Abimelech, " Judges 3-9
- "Jephthah and Samson," Judges 10-16
- "Lawless Israelites & a Faithful Foreigner," Judges 17 - Ruth 4
- "Samuel & Saul," 1 Samuel 1-10
- "King Saul," 1 Samuel 10-16
- "David the Warrior," 1 Samuel 16-20
- "David the Warlord," 1 Samuel 21-31
- "David the King," 2 Samuel 1-12 & 1 Chronicles 10-18
- "King David and Absalom," 2 Samuel 12-19
- "Kind David & King Solomon," 2 Samuel 20 - 1 Kings 4 & 1 Chronicles 22 –
2 Chronicles 1 - "Solomon's Temple & Folly," 1 Kings 5-12 & 2 Chronicles 2-10
- "The Divided Kingdom," 1 Kings 12-15 & 2 Chronicles 10-16
- "The Prophet Elijah," 1 Kings 16-19 & 2 Chronicles 17
- “Micaiah, Elijah, & Elisha,” 1 Kings 22 - 2 Kings 3 & 2 Chronicles 18-20
- “Elisha the Prophet,” 2 Kings 4-5
- “Chariots of Fire,” 2 Kings 6-7
- "Idolatry in Judah," 2 Kings 8-15 & 2 Chronicles 21-26
- "Israel Falls and Judah Remains," 2 Kings 16-21 & 2 Chronicles 26-33
- "Josiah's Reforms," 2 Kings 21-23 & 2 Chronicles 33-36
- "The Babylonian Exile," 2Kgs 24-25; 2Chr 36; Jer; Ezek; Dan 1
- "Daniel the Prophet," Dan 2-9
- "Returning and Rebuilding the Temple," Ez 1-10
- "Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls," Neh 1-10
[Click Here for "THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION - Christian Dispute Resolution"
[CLICK HERE] For the Seminar on Christian Courtship & Holy Matrimony
[CLICK HERE] For the Presentation on "Focus on Evangelism"
[CLICK HERE] For the Presentation on "A Biblical Response To Alternative Genders and Pronouns
[CLICK HERE] For "The Inspiration, Authority, and Reliability of Scripture" Presentation from the 2022 Vacation Bible School
[CLICK HERE] For the Special Study on the Faithful Biblical Response to the LGBTQ Issue
[Click Here] for the 29th Anniversary Video Celebration from 2021
CLICK HERE For the 2021 Reformation Day Celebration!
Click Here for VBS 2021 - Doctrines of Grace
Click Here for the "Stand Firm" Workshop Slides
Click Here for the "Stand Firm" Workshop Follow-Up Discussion Audio
Click Here for the Discernment Workshop
Click Here for the Doctrine of the Trinity Workshop
Tracts of Truth
Handouts that provide insight on various Christian topics....
Getting to Know God's Holy Word... The Most Important Book On Earth!
Celebrating a Christ-Centered Christmas
Ask the Pastor
Pastor Norwood provides answers from Scripture to various questions...
Summer 2018 "Thinking Biblically" Q&A Sessions
Off Site Resources...
Christian Mission School of Theology
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Resources for Christian Apologetics (Defense of the Faith):
Not all of the Apologetics resources below are Reformed, but all are of value in defending the Christian Faith.