Audio Files of Sermons
The following titles will link you to offsite audio of sermons preached by Pastor J. R. Norwood.
September 6, 2020 … The Lords Plumb Line - Amos 7.7-9 [25th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic Lock-Down] … People too often presume that God either has no standard of righteousness or that he has no power to correct what is wrong. But, the Lord shows us his standard and by it we are judged.
August 31, 2020 … Ready or Not Here I Come - Matthew 24.42-44 [ 24th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic] … When our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will return is a mystery. One thing is certain, his return is not based on our schedule, but on his divine plan… It is sure, it is certain, it will happen… Jesus has declared to us, and warns us, “Ready or not here I come.”
August 23, 2020…. Guided by the Holy Spirit - Acts 8.29-31 [23rd Online Sermon During the Coronavirus Pandemic] … One of the greatest challenges facing believers is the call to share the gospel with others. How we do so will vary from person to person, but that we do so is part of every believer’s responsibility.
Augusts 16, 2020 … Christians Never Feel Lucky - Proverbs 16.33 [22nd Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic] … Christians should never feel lucky. Luck is not biblical. Luck is a worldly concept.
August 9,2020 … Under the Influence - 2 Kings 16.10 {21st Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic] … The Christian church is threatened by so many of its members and leaders being under the influence of the world instead of the Word. They have exchanged the truth for a lie.
August 2, 2020 … Trusting the Providence of God - Genesis 50.15-21 [20th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic] … There are many times when even believers wonder what God is doing... Why he is allowing us to go through trails and tribulations. But, we can trust in his providence.
July 26, 2020 … Perfectly Good for You - James 1.16-17 [19th Online Sermon During the Coronavirus Pandemic] … We need to discern what is a gift from God from what is a destructive device from the devil. In order to not be deceived, not be led astray, not be seduced into sin.
July 19, 2020… “The Boldness of the Righteous” - Proverbs 28.1 [18th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic] … What is it that accounts for the boldness of the righteous? What are we bold about? How can our boldness be an inner truth and an external witness?
July 12, 2020 … The Amazing Love of God - 1 John 3.1-3 [17th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic] … God's saving love for his chosen children extends beyond "common grace" and grants "saving grace!" it is an amazing love. How should we view and celebrate this remarkable amazing love of God for us?
June 5, 2020 … Free Indeed - John 8.31-36 [16th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic] … While there may be degrees of civil freedom and liberty within various societies, true freedom is only found in Jesus Christ.
June 28, 2020 … The Rainbow and The Cross - Gen 9.12-17 and Colossians 1.19-22 [15th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic Lock-Down] … These two symbols... the rainbow and the cross... mean something very different from the way many use them today. Today they are misinterpreted. Today they are misappropriated. And, even for many who know their biblical significance, the relationship one has with the other is often overlooked.
June 21, 2020 … “Unmerited Favor” - 2 Samuel 9.1 [14th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic Lock-down] … Grace is defined as unmerited favor. It is getting the reward that you did not earn. It is having the blessing bestowed that you don't deserve. It is being granted a benefit for which you did not work.
June 14, 2020 … “Jesus Loves the Little Children” - Mark 10:13-16 [13th Online Sermon During the Coronavirus Pandemic Lock-down] … Jesus loves the little children. He wants children to come to him... to be brought to him... to be trained up in him... Jesus wants us to see just how precious children are and to know that we have a mission to deliver the gospel to them.
June 7, 2020… “What God Requires” – Micah 6:8 [12th Online Sermon during Coronavirus Pandemic Lock-down] … Micah has a lot to say to us today... his prophecy speaks to the strife in our world.
May 31, 2020… “What Does This Mean?” - Acts 2.12 [12th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic Lock-Down] … The question of the crowds symbolizes worldly confusion over the redemptive intervention of our gracious God into a sin-filled world. What does this mean? … This remains the question even among Christians regarding the day of Pentecost in the life of the church.
May 24, 2020 … “Jesus is the Lord of Glory” - Acts 1.9-11 [ 10th Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic Lock-Down] … Often in our minds, we move from the resurrection to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, quickly whisking by the significance of the ascension. But the ascension stands as a reminder to us that we must be mindful to never forget, or diminish the fact, that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Glory.
May 17, 2020 … “Healing Power” - Acts 5:12-16 & James 5:13-16 [9th Online Sermon due to the Coronavirus Pandemic] … Healing power is still of the Lord and the Lord’s healing power is still moving through his people, the Body of Christ, the church of Christ.
May 10, 2020… What Hannah Knew - 1 Samuel 1:21-28 [8th Online Sermon During the Coronavirus Pandemic] … What Hannah knew serves as a witness to us today... on this Mother’s Day. What Hannah knew we also need to know.
May 5, 2020… Houses of Worship - Joshua 24:14-15 [7th Sunday online worship during the Coronavirus pandemic]… Like Joshua before us, those of us who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ have had to proclaim in whole new ways that, “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
April 26, 2020 … Creation Awaits - Romans 8:19-21 [6th Online Sermon During the Coronavirus Pandemic Lock-Down] … St. Paul sees that the creation, the earth, the plants, the animals, are waiting for something… This begs the question, what is creation waiting for with eager longing?
April 19, 2020 … He Knows Your Name - John 20.15-16 [5th Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic Lock-down] … Jesus called Mary by her name and changed her life even more than he had done before. All of this because he called her by her name. Jesus knows you by name.
April 12, 2020 … Conquering the Curse - 1 Corinthians 15.3-4 [RESURRECTION SUNDAY - 4th Online Sermon During the Coronavirus Pandemic]… The victory of the resurrection is understood when considering the agony of the crucifixion. And the grace of God in the anguish of the crucifixion can only be proclaimed in the light of the resurrection. They are the essential elements of good news of the gospel of salvation… Of the conquering of the curse!
April 5, 2020 … Hosanna Save Us Now - Matthew 21.1-11 Palm Sunday [Third Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic] … Sometimes the "saving" we really need is not necessarily the "saving" that we know we need.
March 29, 2020 ...Focusing on the Eternal Weight of Glory - 2 Corinthians 4.16-18 [Second Online Sermon during the Coronavirus Pandemic]… In order to maintain a Christian perspective, especially during difficult times, we must have an eternal outlook… We must always bear in mind, and focus on, the weightless of matters.... the eternal weight of glory.
March 22, 2020 … A Mighty Fortress - Psalm 46:1-7 [First sermon during pandemic gathering restriction… delivered online] … Christians have a wonderful opportunity to display their sense of security in this time of uncertainty, but we must have confidence in the God who is our mighty fortress.
March 15, 2020 … Dealing With Your Fear - 2 Timothy 1:7 (after the declaration of the Coronavirus as a pandemic) … If we trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, we should also be trusting him with the situations and challenges that come up in our daily lives.
March 8, 2020 … What Is Most Important - Mark 12:29–31 … People will say they love the Lord without really knowing what that must entail.... Its more than just saying it!
March 1, 2020 … Second Wind - Jeremiah 20:8–9 … People who strive to be faithful to the Lord will often find that their situation is one of challenge and strain...we all need a second wind from time to time. And, we can count on the Lord to bring one.
February 23, 2020 … Faith Of An Unnamed Outcast - Mark 5.27–29 … While the healing of the woman with an issue of blood is recorded in both the gospel of Mark and the gospel of Luke, no name is given to this woman. But even though we do not know her name, there is much that we can learn from her story.
February 9, 2020 … No Laughing Matter - Luke 8:52–53 … We need not be shaken either by the laughter of those who reject Jesus altogether or the laughter of those who claim to be his followers but turn away from the essential truths about him and his commands.
February 2, 2020 … Fulfilling All Righteousness - Matthew 3:14-15 … Perfection is not merely avoiding doing what is wrong, but also fulfilling all that is right in the eyes of God.
January 26, 2020 … Bear Fruit in Keeping with Repentance - Matthew 3:7-12 … What is the nature of repentance? How do we know when it is real and when it is not? Why is this so vital?
January 14, 2020 … Weeping for the Children - Matthew 2:13-18 … It is impossible to read this passage without a sense of horror. We are outraged by Herod and his soldiers. We cannot imagine how anyone could be so cruel. And yet violent disregard is perpetrated against children in many ways in this world even today.
January 7, 2020 … Troubled by the Will of God - Matthew 2:1-12 … We see, in this text, two responses to the will of God in this world. Those of the true faith and those of a false faith. We can uncover why some people are troubled by the will of God.
December 29, 2019 … The History of Christmas (First Sunday After Christmas) - Philippians 2:6-7 … We need to understand that a whole lot happened in the history of Christmas before that first Christmas Day.
December 22, 2019 … The King Is Coming! (Advent Four) - Luke: 1:30-33 … Mary's baby was not merely become a king... he was already the King. Saint John tells us that all things were made by him, and without him - nothing was made! Gabriel proclaimed his first coming... And we celebrate that he has come! He has come with Salvation, with Power, and He will set everything right!
December 15, 2019 … The Problem With Routine Religion (Advent Three) - Luke 1:11-18 … Too often a good routine simply becomes merely routine. It may be a good habit, but if we cease to approach it with excitement and expectation, it loses its dynamic power. That is the problem with religion becomes a mere routine.
December 8, 2019 … Transformed by Righteousness (Advent Two) - Isaiah 11:1-10 … This season is about peace with God and peace in God... and that peace is initiated by God. It is about a transforming righteousness, a divine and holy peace, that is changing hearts and will transform the earth!
December 1, 2019 … What Shall Come to Pass (Advent One) - Isaiah 2:1-5 … This prophecy of Isaiah reminds us that we have a lot to look forward to… That we can look forward to what shall come to pass.
November 24, 2019 … Choosing to Take a Stand - Daniel 1:8-9 … How can a believer deal with the pressure to go along with the sinful ways of this world in order to get along in the wicked society? How can we stand up for our Lord? How can we take a stand?
November 17, 2019 … Rejoicing In Spite of Persecution - Acts 5:40-42… What enables a Believer in Jesus Christ to rejoice in spite of persecution?
October 27, 2019… What Do You Want To Eat? - Hebrews 5:12-13 … (3rd Sermon in the series "Growing to Serve...Serving to Grow") The spiritual food feasted upon by believers should progress from what a new convert can comprehend to going on to grasp the deeper things that can be understood by more seasoned and senior saints.
October 20, 2019… Proof of a Growing Faith - James 2:14… (2nd Sermon in the series, “Growing to Serve – Serving to Grow”) Our faith is proven by our growth. We should all be striving to demonstrate the proof of a growing faith, for that is the evidence of true saving faith.
October 6, 2019… “What Are You Waiting For?” - Romans 12:6 … (2st Sermon in the series, “Growing to Serve… Serving to Grow”) Scripture challenges us to move from being consumers to being producers, from merely receiving a word to sharing the word, from receiving a blessing to being a blessing.
October 6, 2019 … "Having What You And Need Being Happy With What You Have" - Exodus 20:17 … The Lord Jesus cries out to us that if we have him, we have all that we need and we can be happy with what we have.
September 29, 2019 … "Don't Lie On Me Don't Lie To Me" - Exodus 20.16 … The beauty of this 9th commandment is that it reminds us that we not only serve a God of truth, but we serve a God who is truth.
September 22, 2019 … "Common Thieves" - Exodus 20:15 … Because all sin is ultimately sin against God; the essence of stealing is not merely a denial of property rights, but rather is at denial of God's ownership of all things.
September 15, 2019 … "Made For Honor Not For Lust" - Exodus 20:14 … This Commandment tells us how we should honor God's plan for matrimony... It also tells us how God brings honor to us.
September 1, 2019 … "Life Is Not Cheap...Its Sacred "- Exodus 20:13 … The Lord of life declares in his word that life is not cheap, it is precious, it is sacred, it has dignity, value and worth. That's good news! And, it is news that must impact the way we live our lives... and how we treat others.
August 25, 2019 … "Honor Your Father And Mother"- Exodus 20:12 … This commandment demands parental charity and responsibility from those in authority and respectful submission and obedience from those under authority.
August 4, 2019 … “Keep the Sabbath” - Exodus 20.8-11 … In a strict manner of speaking, the vast majority of Christians do not keep the Jewish Sabbath. In this sixth sermon in his series on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Norwood addresses how Christians who worship on Sunday can be Sabbath keepers.
July 21, 2019 … “Honoring The Name Of God” - Exodus 20:7 … How to we live our lives in a fashion that brings honor and glory to God's name? How do we lift his name as holy in our own lives? In this fifth sermon on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Norwood addresses this important issue.
July 14, 2019 … “Nothing Can Compare” - Exodus 20:4-6 … In this fourth sermon in his series on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Norwood reminds us that nothing can compare to our God, therefore nothing is worthy of our worship but our God!
July 7, 2019 … “Our One and Only” - Exodus 20:1-3 … As God commands us to have no other gods but Him, in the First Commandment of the Decalogue, God is also saying to us that we will need no other gods but Him. In his third sermon in his series on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Norwood reminds us that our “one and only” is the only one we need!
June 30, 2019 … “I Choose You” – Exodus 20:1-2 … As the Lord chose the ancient Israelites for a special purpose... We are reminded that the Lord chooses us for himself and cares for us also. In this second sermon in his series on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Norwood examines the preamble to the Decalogue.
June 23, 2019 … “When God Speaks, We Better Listen” – Exodus 20:1-3 … Does the Law of God apply in modern times? If so, how? In this opening sermon on his series on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Norwood addresses this issue.
April 28, 2019 … Living For Christ - Galatians 2:20 [Preached at Grace Community Church, Trenton for their Usher’s Day] … If you have been saved by Christ, you should be living for Christ!
April 28, 2019 … The Resurrection Is The Reason - 1 Peter 1:3-5… If Jesus had not risen, his disappointed and dissalusioned followers would have scattered and his movement would have been a footnote in history... But, because of the resurrection, we gather today knowing and praising God and worshiping a risen, living, and victorious Lord.
April 21, 2019 … Risen Lord Risen Savior - Luke 24:5-7 [Resurrection Sunday 10:30AM] … Christianity is unique among the world’s religions in that we have a risen Lord and Savior!
April 21, 2019 … Game Change - Matthew 28:5-6 [Resurrection Sunday 8:30AM] … The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest moment of essential and eternal change that has ever taken place. It is a watershed moment... a transcendent moment... a game changing moment!
April 14, 2019 … The Champion Enters The Ring - Luke 19.37 – 40… While most focus on what the people did on that first Palm Sunday, the depth of the divine message in the moment is about what Jesus did and what he said.
April 7, 2019 … Mission Oriented - Luke 4:16-22… People will often lose their drive and their focus because they are not convinced that they have a purpose.
March 31, 2019 … An Uncompromised Faith - Matthew 4:8-11 … We need to have an uncompromised faith... a sturdy, focused, deep rooted, Christ-centered, Holy Ghost driven, God glorifying uncompromised faith.
March 24, 2019 … The Problem With Mere Entertainment - Matthew 4:5-7 … We need to be able to know the difference between what is merely entertaining from what is truly transforming.
March 17, 2019 … Bread Is Not Enough - Matthew 4:3-4 … How do we feast upon the Word? We need to understand that when we refer to God’s Word, we are talking about two things, which are interlocked, but are distinct…. The written Word, which is the Bible, and the Living Word, which is Jesus Christ.
March 10, 2019 … Spirit Driven - Mark 1:12-13… This all seems to run contrary to what we have come to expect from the Holy Spirit, yet the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness to be confronted by Satan himself.
March 3, 2019 …Knowing The Fear Of The Lord - Psalm 34:9… In this world, filled with irreverence for the divine and disrespect for human life and dignity, we need to know the fear of the Lord.
February 24, 2019 …Continuous Praise At All Times - Psalm 3:1-3… Blessing the Lord for his very nature… just for who he is… is an essential element in having a deep intimacy with him.
February 10, 2019 …To Know Him Means To Obey Him - 1 John 2:3-6… To really know Jesus is to obey Jesus and to obey Jesus is to know Jesus!
February 3, 2019 …It's All About The Glory Of Jesus Christ - Acts 16.25 – 26… We must remember that whatever may come, we must focus on the Glory of Jesus Christ
January 20, 2019 …Don't Let Me Be Put The Shame - Psalm 25:1-2… We need shame of conscience... shame of sin... So that we mind right from wrong and strive toward holiness... But, any shame that hinders our boldness of faith or walk of righteousness is shame we don't need.
January 13, 2019 … Sustained In Spite Of Suffering - Matthew 2.13-14 … Even for the faithful, there are frightful and fear-filled times and there are times of suffering. In fact, sometimes suffering come because we are being faithful.
January 6, 2019 … An Uncommon Joy - Matthew 2:1-12 … For the world, the Christmas celebration is over and so is the merrymaking associated with it. It came, and it went. However, for those who truly celebrate Jesus Christ, his first coming is the beginning of a continuing celebration that is year-round and continues throughout the generations of the faithful.
December 30, 2018 … An In-Between Time Faith - Luke 2:25-26… How do you handle having to wait for a divine answer? What do you do in the meantime? What do you do in the “in-between” time?
December 23, 2018 … O Holy Night - Luke 2:10-12… Christmas is Holy! When we miss that point, we missed the reason for celebrating. When we miss that point we choose the forbidden fruit instead of fellowship with our Creator.
December 16, 2018 … The Dawn Of Redeeming Grace - Romans 3:23-24… Comprehending the meaning of those words from the song Silent Night requires an understanding of exactly what the words, “the dawn of redeeming Grace,” mean. To celebrate the true Christmas, you need to be celebrating “the dawn of redeeming grace!”
December 9, 2018 … Walk In The Light - Isaiah 9:1-2… Isaiah’s prophetic word is also a word of preparation, letting the people know that a light will come and that we will be blessed to walk in it!
December 2, 2018 …O Come O Come Emmanuel - Isaiah 7:14 … While people with a worldly mindset want Santa to come by, those who are focused on the glory of God, the promises of God, and the unfolding of redemptive history… of God’s saving grace coming into the world… Have a very different plea… It is a plea based in Scripture and summed up in an old hymn.
November 25, 2018… Give Thanks In All Circumstances - 1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18… While most people are thankful for material things or even blessings… Christians are called to give thanks no matter what.
November 18, 2018… Called To Be Holy - 1 Peter 2:1-3 & 9… God declares us holy as he graciously covers us with Christ's own holiness... this is how he has chosen to treat us, even though he continues to work on us making us truly holy. If it is something that is bestowed, what are the signs that allow us to be assured that we are truly striving toward it? What does it mean to be holy?
November 11, 2018… The Ultimate Warrior - Romans 8:37… When many people think of Jesus, they think of him only in passive ways... But Jesus is anything but passive. Jesus Christ is indeed a combat veteran. Jesus Christ is a warrior! He is the ultimate warrior!
November 4, 2018… Thank God Somebody Prayed For Me - 2 Kings 6:15-17… We all need somebody to pray for us… Every now and then, we all need the comforting embrace from a brother and sister in Christ.. Our Lord blesses and strengthens us through the fellowship of believers, the unity of the body of Christ, the communion of saints…
October 28,2018… The Convicting Word of the Lord - 2 Kings 22:10 – 11… We need God's revealed word. Without the light of God's Word, people tend to do whatever they feel like doing, whether it is right or wrong. People tend to make up their own way of serving and believing, and typically that way is far from the manner in which God has commanded.
October 14, 2018… Amazing Eternal Grace - Ephesians 2.6 -7… The amazing Grace of God saves us, transforms us, and sustains us… But, it does even more than that! God’s amazing grace gives us an eternal outlook and an everlasting promise. It is God’s amazing eternal grace!
October 7, 2018… Amazing Sustaining Grace - 2 Corinthians 12:7-10… We all must remember that the Amazing Grace of God... His unmerited favor...His mercy and His love through Jesus Christ toward us... does not end with our conversion...and even does more than transform us... it sustains us!
September 30, 2018 … Amazing Transforming Grace - 2 Corinthians 5:17 … The grace of God is truly amazing because it not only saves us, but it changes us. It is a transforming Grace that does not only give us a fresh start, but also a new way of living.
September 23, 2018… Amazing Saving Grace - Galatians 1.6 – 9… More than any other issue facing facing the church, people proclaiming and believing in false gospels is the most dangerous. Knowing the Gospel of Amazing Saving Grace is an essential part of being a True Believer in Jesus Christ. It is the bedrock of our faith.
September 2, 2018… Learning To Lean... Battle Ready - Judges 3:1–2… How do we learn to lean on the Lord?
August 26, 2018… Caught In The Act - John 8:3–4… We all stand accused because we have been caught in the act! There is no sin that escapes the all seeing eye of the Almighty One of Heaven! God wants us to reach out for his forgiveness and embrace the change that he will bring.
August 12, 2018… Don't Run Rejoice - Matthew 5:11–16… In the face of persecution and rejection, how does a believer not lose his or her nerve? How can we face the trials of harassment and alienation? How can we not run, but rejoice in the face of oppression?
August 5, 2018… Practicing Righteousness - Matthew 5:6-9… Disciples must grow in these characteristics of righteousness, for in they are the attributes of a life of godliness
July 22, 2018… Great Sense Out Of Nonsense - Matthew 5:1-5… Believers need to understand that, in Jesus’ “Beatitudes,” The Poor in Spirit, Those Who Mourn, and The Meek, are all related to one another.
July 8 … Prone to Wander - Romans 7:21-24 … Why is it that in spite of our belief in the Lord Jesus and our desire to be disciples, we still so often act like we’re not his disciples and find ourselves often disregarding him as the center and chief aim of our lives?
July 1, 2018 … God Cares - Matthew 9:36 … When we consider that we are in such a vast universe, with a world so big, with humans being so wicked, why does God care about us?
June 24, 2018 … A Daily Choice - Joshua 24:14-15 … (Preached at the “Celebration of Graduates” worship service) In each of our lives there are vestiges of sin and worldliness that must be searched out and examined on a daily basis. Because of the pervasiveness of temptation, we must be mindful of making holy choices every day and throughout each day.
June 17, 2018 … Faith In Spite Of Doubt - Mark 9:24 … Doubt in and of itself is part of our human response to high stake situations. But, how do we have faith when we also have doubt?
June 10, 2018… Grace Makes The Difference - John1:14… While many people have been to church or think they know about Christianity, the fact is that most people really don’t understand the good news of Jesus Christ. Many people even who go to church or unfamiliar with the gospel of grace. But indeed, it is grace that makes the difference! Grace is unmerited favor… Undeserved kindness… Unwarranted compassion…
June 3, 2018… Amen - 2 Corinthians 1:20… For Christians, saying "Amen" is in connection to our relationship to Jesus Christ. Saint Paul says that we utter "Amen" through him to God for his glory. It is through Jesus we say amen ... and it is for his glory that we say amen.
May 20, 2018… Pause To Remember - Hebrews 11.35b-40… Let us pause this day to remember what was so important that people were willing to die for it... and in many places around the world, are still dying for it.
May 13, 2018… Don't Cry (Mother's Day Version) - Luke 7:13-14… There are many reasons for depression and weeping in this world. But, People need the to know that their tears can be replaced with joy.
May 6, 2018… Nothing Can Compare - Philippians 3:3–11… There is value in celebrating your heritage, but it is not as valuable as what is gained through Jesus Christ.
April 29, 2018… Sounding The Alarm - Acts 24.24 – 25… There are essential elements that must be covered if the whole Gospel is to be proclaimed... if the alarm is to be sounded.
April 22, 2018…What Is Gospel? - Ephesians 2.4-8… Because so many don’t really know what the Gospel is, and because there are so many distractions and pseudo-gospels, it is good to be constantly reminded of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
April 22, 2018… Do You See Jesus In The Mirror - 2 Corinthians 3.18 (Preached at Grace Community Church, Trenton, NJ on their Annual Usher’s Day) … Our lives are called to reflect the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not merely when we are together worshiping in a church service... but at all times.
April 15, 2018…Lessons From The Road - Luke 24:31-32… If the story Jesus Christ had ended with the crucifixion, there would be no Gospel today. But, our text reminds us that indeed Jesus is Alive! Not only does it remind us that Christ Arose and is living, but there are some other profound lessons from Emmaus for all believers even today!
April 8, 2018 … Jesus Prays For Us - John 17:20 … Jesus prayed with confidence over the future of His church. What a blessing to know that when he was heading to the cross, we were on his mind.
April 1, 2018 … Jesus Fixed It - Luke 24.6 – 7… (Resurrection Sunday, 10:30AM Worship) How can we be sure that his death paid the price for sin? How can we be sure that Jesus is Lord, that Jesus is the second person of the Triune God?
April 1, 2018 … What Was Missing Is Most Important - Luke 24.1 – 5… (Resurrection Sunday, 8:30AM Worship) The significance of what was missing from the tomb and why it was missing is the reason we gather here in the name of Jesus this very day! Jesus is not dead… Jesus is alive!
March 25, 2018 …Why Jesus Wept - Luke 19.41 – 44… Why on Earth would Jesus weep during his own triumphal entry? Why would tears stream down the face of Our Lord on that first Palm Sunday?
March 11, 2018 …Praying And Teaching - John 17.1 – 5… In this high and holy prayer, Jesus is "praying and teaching" ... in his opening words, we can learn much about who Jesus is... we can get a glimpse into his own understanding of his own identity.
March 4, 2018… What Martha's Faith Teaches Us – John 11:27… What we see is that Martha’s statement of faith in Jesus parallels that statement made by the Apostle Peter, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!" Martha statement is no less powerful. Her statement even expands upon Peter’s profession.
February 25, 2018… Many Nations - One King - Psalm 22:27-28… In spite of the fleeting moment of international focus on the Olympics, the Kingdom of the Lord is the truly transforming and unifying force... a foretaste of the full manifestation we can celebrate even now.
February 18, 2018… What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up - Acts 2:42–44… With many of the founding members still present among the Ujima Village Christian Church congregation, we are still a young congregation with little more than two and a half decades behind us. So the question can be put to us, what do we want to be when we grow up? To what do we aspire?
February 4, 2016… Pass It On – Proverbs 22:6… From the adolescent to the aged sage, we all are teaching... we are either teaching good lessons or bad ones. We are passing something on... But what are we passing on?
January 21, 2018… “Too Good to be True” – Luke 4:16-21… How can we keep from discarding our blessings and limiting our trust in the Lord because the promises of the Lord seem too good to be true?
January 14, 2018… “Keep Your Tassels On” - Numbers 15:38-39…. The Israelites were to sew tassels on their garments as a reminder to keep the law of God at the forefront of their minds. We as Christians may not have physical tassels on our clothes today, but the principle remains.
January 7, 2018…. Have You Seen His Star? – Matthew 2:1-2 …. It is been often debated exactly what the Christmas star was, but the important thing was the Magi’s response to the star and their encounter with the Messiah.
December 31, 2017… Celebrating With Angels … Luke 2:8-14 - the Bible points to the fact that Christmas is not about what we have done, or the stories we have created, or even about our best attributes. Christmas is about what God has done and his will for us.
December 24, 2017….His Name Is Prince of Peace … Isaiah 9:6 - Just as he quieted the storm, stilling the wind and waves with the words, "Peace Be Still," the Prince of Peace brings blessed calm and quiet to the restless soul and establishes peace with God.
December 17, 2017… His Name is Everlasting Father – Isaiah 9:6… How is it that Christ is called the “Everlasting Father” when he sired no children? In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines how this title applies to Christ and is a blessing for all believers.
December 10, 2017… His Name is Mighty God – Isaiah 9:6 … Today, many look at Jesus as though he is merely a moral teacher… some kind of Galilean Guru who was ahead of his time… A nice guy that has been misunderstood… But Isaiah reminds us that Jesus is so much more… Jesus is the Mighty God!
December 3, 2017… His Name is Wonderful Counselor – Isaiah 9:6 … There is no one else in all of human history who brought resolution to a desperate situation like Jesus has... he came to bridge the gap between a holy God and sinful humans... he came to resolve our sin debt and spare us from the fire of eternal judgement... He is a marvelous resolver... our Wonderful Counselor.
November 19, 2017 … Get Right with God - Romans 1:16-17 ... What does it mean to be “right” with God? How does that happen?
November 12, 2017 … Shocked, But Not Surprised - John 15:18-19 ... On November 5th, 2017, as Christians gathered for worship in a little church in Sutherland Springs Texas, a murderer filled with evil intent was guided by the very hand of Satan to open fire on the worshipers, killing both young and old, exterminating several generations within families. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood reflects on the spirit behind this atrocity and the Spirit that enables believers to heal and overcome in spite of such evil.
October 22, 2017 … Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say - Matthew 5:33-37 ... In a society that seems dedicated to the appearance of truth but not the substance…Why struggle to mean what you say and say what you mean? What are the benefits of transparency?
October 8, 2017… The Truth About Sufficient Grace - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10... Continuing his series theme on “Seeking Truth,” Pastor Norwood looks at the testimony of the Apostle Paul to discern what is meant by “sufficient” grace.
October 7, 2017… A Ministry of Impartiality – James 2:1-4... Preached for the annual prayer breakfast for the Usher’s Council of Greater Trenton, Pastor Norwood examines an important aspect of the ministry of Ushers that also speaks to the responsibility of all who are of the Body of Christ.
September 29, 2017… What Is Truth - John 18.37-38 ...Truth is what can be relied on as consistent and trustworthy in any and all circumstances. Essential truth is not limited by time or geography or culture or perspective.... Ultimately truth is of the Lord and all truth is God's truth.
September 17, 2017… Set Free By The Truth - John 8:31-32... Jesus Christ does not want his disciples to wander in ignorance… To be imprisoned by lies and forever condemned to foolishness. As believers, we are set free by truth.
September 10, 2017… Storm Season – Acts 27:13-26... Every life will have some storms and even some stormy seasons. Since we know that storms come… How do you weather a Storm Season?
September 3, 2017 … The Secret of Contentment - Philippians 4:11-13
In times of trouble, how are believers to respond? In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at Saint Paul’s testimony on the matter.
August 27, 2017 … Powerful Lessons from the Potter’s House - Jeremiah 18:4-6
The Prophet Jeremiah was sent to the potter’s house to learn about how God can reshape his people as he pleases. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood preaches about how God gives us new beginnings.
August 13, 2017 … Wise Fools - Acts 17:16-21
There are many who presume to know much and yet miss the most important truths of life. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the introduction of the gospel to the intellectuals of Athens.
August 6, 2017… A Passion for Truth - Acts 17:11-12
Today is seems that far too many people are not very discerning about what they accept or reject as truth. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the Bereans to see how they received the good news of Jesus from the Apostle Paul.
July 16, 2017… A Question of Commitment – 2 Timothy 4:9-11
What does it mean to be truly committed to Christ? As we evaluate ourselves and as we look toward mentors in the faith we need to know the difference between those who are committed and those who are not.
July 9, 2017… Awake, Alert, and Almighty – Psalm 121
People need to know that there is some constancy and consistency upon which they can rely. Believers can rest assured that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is awake, alert, and almighty!
July 2, 2017… Real Emancipation – John 8:31-32 & 36
What does it really mean to be “free?” Real emancipation is highly valued, but often pursued in the wrong way and often misunderstood. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks to John 8 to gain a clear view of what real freedom truly is.
June 25, 2017... Agur’s Wise Prayer - Proverbs 30:7-9
Agur, a mysterious and not well known writer of Proverbs, has a prayer request that is very uncommon. In the initiation of his new walk of faith, he asks of the Lord for two things that he believes will enable him to follow the Lord faithfully. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood shows that we can learn much from this self-proclaimed “brutish” man who came to true faith.
June 18, 2017 ... The Loving Father - Luke 15:20-24
Pastor Norwood explains that the famous parable of the “Prodigal Son”, could be called the story of the “Loving Father.”
June 11, 2017... Deep Clean - Jeremiah 2:22
In this sermon, preached at the 2017 Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape tribal powwow worship, Pastor Norwood explains that there is a depth of dirt, an insidious stain left by sin that leaves each and every one of us staying by sin. We need deep cleaning! We need a cleansing that goes beyond our own capability! We need to be washed not only outwardly but inwardly.
June 4, 2017... The Abiding Spirit - Acts 2:16-21
Pastor Norwood examines how Pentecost is the celebration of God doing a new thing. Pentecost is the celebration of God and moving upon his people in new way.
May 28, 2017... The Highest Connection in the Highest Place – Mark 16:19-20
While people strive for influential connections that can benefit them in life, there is only one connection that can benefit them eternally. Pastor Norwood examines the significance of the Ascension of Jesus Christ.
May 7, 2017
The Difference Between Remorse and Repentance - Acts 1:15-20
Is feeling bad about a misdeed the same as repenting? In this sermon, Pastor Norwood compares the different outcomes between the betrayal by Judas Iscariot and the denial by Simon Peter.
April 30, 2017
A Peculiar Peace – John 20:19-23
The peace that Christ brings into our lives is different from what the world thinks of when it uses the term “peace.” Pastor Norwood looks at why that difference is so important.
"I Am the Bread of Life" - John 6:35
There is nothing quite like fresh, warm bread. But no matter how good that may be, it cannot compare to the true bread from heaven spoken of by Jesus.
I Am the Light of the World - John 8:12
Jesus scatters the darkness within our lives and around our lives. He is the light of the world!
I am He – John 8:24
There is a crucial issue in having an accurate understanding of, and putting your trust in, the true identity of Jesus. Jesus is the determining factor of our eternal destiny.
Before Abraham Was I Am - John 8:58
Jesus proclaimed, “…before Abraham was, I am. In this statement, Jesus addresses the crucial issue of his veracity, identity, and the importance of both for us all.
I am the Door – John 10:7-10
Against the backdrop of illustrative language based upon ancient Palestinian shepherding traditions, Jesus proclaims another truth about his character and mission. Jesus makes the seemingly strange statement, "I am the door."
I Am the Good Shepherd – John 10:14-15
Jesus proclaimed, “I am the good shepherd.” In this sermon, Pastor Norwood considers how blessed it is to be part of the flock of the Divine Shepherd is to know divine love a day protection and care.April 16, 2017 (Resurrection Sunday 8:30AM Worship)
I am the Resurrection and the Life - John 11:17-27
Jesus declared, “I am the resurrection and the life,” when he was about to raise Lazarus from the dead. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines how this declaration was proven in the resurrection of Jesus himself.April 16, 2017 (Resurrection Sunday 10:30AM Worship)
I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life - John 14:1-6
On the eve of his crucifixion, Jesus told the Apostle Thomas that He is the way, the truth, and the life. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines how this truth would be made crystal clear to Thomas after the resurrection of Jesus.April 23, 2017I Am the True Vine – John 14:1-5Our connection to Jesus is essential for salvation. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines how that connection is proven through the fruit we bear because of it.
January 15, 2017
What is the main focus of faith? Pastor Norwood looks at the early life of Jesus to answer that question.
January 8, 2017
Dealing with the Destroyers - Matthew 2:13-18
There have always been those who have sought to destroy the work of God. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the way believers can be assured even over the challenge of destroyers.
December 25, 2016
Far as the Curse is Found - Luke 2:8-14
People celebrate Christmas with in many ways that have nothing to do with Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood lets us know that the power of the biblical story of Christmas is far deeper than many understand.
June 12, 2016 - {Preached Outdoors at the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Powwow}
The Unknown Jesus - John 14:1-7
Not everyone who thinks they know Jesus really knows him. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at how Jesus could be unknown to those who claim to follow him and the importance of truly knowing this one who is "The Way."
June 5, 2016
Compromised Christianity - Revelation 2:18-29
Of the many things over which compromise is reasonable, one's walk of faith is not one of them. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the letter in Revelation to the church in Thyatira and examines the pitfalls of compromised Christianity.
May 29, 2016
Holy Intolerance - Revelation 2:12-17
Tolerance over some things is an aspect of Christian charity, however there are some things which the over which Christ commands intolerance. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the letter in Revelation to the church in Pergamum to see what Jesus requires.
May 22, 2016 - (Preached at the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Spring Tribal Gathering Worship)
Not Good Enough - Romans 3:10-18
Our understanding of goodness is rarely measured against God's ultimate definition of goodness. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood focuses on how human understandings of goodness cannot meet with God's requirement for salvation.
May 15, 2016
What Does This Mean? - Acts 2:1-13
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost was a watershed event, but was also misunderstood by many. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood discusses the meaning of Pentecost then and now.
May 8, 2015
A Mother's Song - Judges 5:1-12
The prophetess Deborah was "a mother in Israel." In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the characteristics of motherhood exhibited by Deborah.
May 1, 2016
Difficult Discipleship - Revelation 2:8-11
What would you do if Jesus told you that your season of difficulty was about to get even harder? In this sermon, Pastor Norwood speaks about the Letter to the Church of Smyrna in the Book of Revelation in order to gain insight into how to handle challenging times as a disciple of Christ.
April 24, 2016
Principles and Passion - Revelation 2:1-7
When the Lord Jesus told the Apostle John to write to the Church of Ephesus, he told the Ephesians that while they had remained faithful to sound doctrine, they has lost sight of the love they once had. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the importance of being true to biblical principles, but also to never lose your sense of biblical love.
April 17, 2016
What's Important to God - Genesis 1:26-27
The first chapter of Genesis introduces us to a very unusual God. In this sermon Pastor Norwood examines the actions of God in creation to discern what the text tells us about what God finds to be important and why that should be important to all who believe in the God of the Bible.
April 10, 2016
An Issue of Credibility - 2 Corinthians 6:3-4
What does it mean to be a "credible Christian?" In this sermon, Pastor Norwood reminds us that it is one thing to say that you are a Christian and quite another thing to live like a Christian.
April 3, 2016
The Significance of the Resurrection - 1 Peter 1:3-5
There are so many people who treat the resurrection of Jesus Christ casually, as though there is no real significance to it. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks to the words of the Apostle Peter to examine the significance of the resurrection.
March 27, 2016
Resurrection Sunday Sermons...
8:30AM Special Morning Worship
Perplexed by an Empty Tomb - John 20:1-10
The work of God is not always immediately comforting, sometimes it can be confusing. In this early morning Resurrection Sunday sermon, Pastor Norwood examines how sometimes the unfolding of the sovereign plan of the Lord is beyond our understanding.
10:30AM Worship
Why are You Weeping? Whom are You Seeking? - John 20:11-18
There are many times in our lives when we do not realize how close God is, or that his hand of comfort is already present. In this sermon Pastor Norwood looks at Mary Magdalene's experience of the resurrection of Jesus.
March 21, 2016
An Angry Jesus - Luke 19:45-48
The image of Jesus filled with rage is not one we typically consider. In this sermon, preached at the Full Gospel Pentecostal Church of Trenton, New Jersey, Pastor Norwood looks at what made Jesus angry, and what we can learn from his anger.
March 20, 2016
Hosanna...The Declaration and the Proclamation - John 12:12-19
Palm Sunday commemorates the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem at the beginning of his final days of ministry before his crucifixion. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines what Palm Sunday says about Jesus, and what it says to us.
March 13, 2016
Do You Believe This? John 11:17-44
Sometimes even believers in Jesus Christ don't comprehend the scope of his power. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the raising of Lazarus from the dead and challenges us to really believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life.
March 6, 2016
The Danger of Distraction - Luke 10.38 - 42
Sometimes it is easy to lose focus on what is most important and instead get "hung up" on minor issues. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the lesson we can learn from a dinner party attended by Jesus.
February 28, 2016
The Thorn of Grace - 2 Corinthians 12.7-10
Sometimes what seems to be a burden is actually an instrument of spiritual growth and development. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at how what the Apostle Paul called "a thorn in his side" actually taught him the power of God's grace.
February 14, 2016
What Kind of Love? - 1 John 3:1-3
The word "love" is used in various ways in English. But how we may love a type of food certainly is different from how we love our families. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the type of love that God has for us.
February 7, 2016
The Blame Game - Genesis 3:8-13
From the beginning of humanity, people have sought to pass responsibility for their own wrongdoing onto others. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the origin of the this tendency to play the blame game.
January 31, 2016
No Weak Side - 1 Kings 20:23-25
Some gifted athletes are admired for their apparent lack of weaknesses in their chosen sport. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks a how the Lord proved that he has no area of weakness.
January 27, 2016
The Grace of Divine Forgiveness - Psalm 130:3-4
Some people feel they are too far gone for God to forgive them, while other feel they are so good that God must accept them. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at God's capacity to forgive and our need for forgiveness.
January 17, 2016
Dead or Alive - James 2:14-20
During the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday weekend, many will reflect upon Dr. King's work and legacy and will perform some charitable work. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the words of James to affirm that the proof of our faith should not be relegated to a holiday.
January 3, 2016
Pondering the Power of God - Luke 2:15-19
Pondering over the power of God is something that believers need to do more. We don't do it enough… Too often we don't take notice of what God is doing… And too often, when we do take notice, we quickly forget what we have noticed.
December 27, 2015
Christmas Doesn't Need Saving - Luke 2:8-14
The celebration of Christmas has been so high-jacked by the world that even believers will talk about those in some crisis not being able to "have a Christmas" or that charities are able to "save Christmas" for those in need. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood reminds us that the true Christmas never needs saving.
December 20, 2015
From Burden to Blessing - Matthew 1:18-25
Sometimes our greatest challenges and struggles can be transformed by God into our greatest blessings. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the annunciation of the birth of Jesus Christ to Joseph and finds that what may seem to be a burden may actually be something very different.
December 13, 2015
When Believers Don't Really Believe - Luke 1:18-20
It is a sad truth, but even those of us who are believers in God can behave as though we don't really believe he is near and active. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the response of the priest, Zachariah, when the angel Gabriel told him that he and his wife Elizabeth would be the parents of the John the Baptist and what it teaches us about ourselves.
December 6, 2015
The Sign of the Season - Isaiah 7:10-14
As people prepare for the celebration of Christmas, what are the signs and symbols that they hold dear? In this sermon, Pastor Norwood considers the one and only true sign of the this season, and all seasons.
November 29, 2015
"The Benevolence of God" - Isaiah 11:6-9
Christians today are often confronted by modern society's increasing hostility toward our belief in a benevolent God. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood responds to one such claim that God does not exist.
November 22, 2015
"Why Bother?" - Haggai 2:3-4
When what you hoped for does not seem to be what will happen, do you keep trying or do you give up? In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at why believers should keep trying to give their best even if their best may not seem to get the result they desire.
November 15, 2015
"Quick, Powerful, Sharp" - Hebrews 4:12
As a guest preacher for the Native American Sunday worship at the Ezion-Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church of Wilmington, Delaware, Pastor Norwood examines how it is that the gospel can overcome the atrocities committed in the name of Jesus and still bring sinners to repentance.
November 8, 2015
"The Exaltation in Humility" - Luke 18:9-14
Self obsessed arrogance is far more common today that earnest modesty or true humility. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the teaching of Jesus on the importance of true repentant humility.
November 1, 2015 (2:00PM)
"Steadfast, Unmovable" - 1 Corinthians 15:58
Ministry requires the true grit of a steadfastly devoted spirit... this sermon was preached by Pastor Norwood at the ordination of a deacon, but applies to the walk of every faithful disciple.
November 1, 2015 (10:30AM)
"Heroes of the Kingdom" - Hebrews 11:29 - 12:3
During the celebration of the Reformation and commemoration of All Saints Day, Pastor Norwood takes time to reflect on what a hero actually is and what it means to be a hero of the Kingdom. This day included the lighting of candles for those believers who went on the be with the Lord and are remembered for touching and inspiring the lives of those attending the worship service at Ujima Village Christian Church
Being a Christian is more than merely claiming the label. Disciples of Jesus Christ are to be devoted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this series of three sermons, Pastor Norwood preaches from the theme "Your Gospel Story: Know It! Live It! Share It!"
9/20/2015 Know Your Gospel - 2 Timothy 2:8-10
9/27/2015 Live Your Gospel - Galatians 2:20
10/4/2015 The Secret Joy of the Sower - Matthew 13:1-9
4/19/2015 (At Indian Mission UM Church, Millsboro, DE)
Prayer that Avails Much - James 5:16
It would be hard to find a believer who would disagree that prayer is an important part of our walk of discipleship. In this sermon, preached at the historic Indian Mission Church of Millsboro, Delaware, Pastor Norwood examines what effective and fervent prayer is all about.
April 12, 2015
The Absentee - John 20:24 - 29
Being in the right place at the right time can make all of the difference. This is also true in our spiritual development. Pastor Norwood looks at the Apostle Thomas and how he initially missed the blessing received by his fellow Apostles, but was given another chance to experience the risen Christ.
April 5, 2015, Resurrection Sunday 10:30AM
The Danger Of The Resurrection - Matthew 28:11 - 15
While the Disciples of Christ receive the news of the Resurrection with joy, not everyone was happy about it then, nor are some even now. In this Resurrection Sunday sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the way that some see the Resurrection as a dangerous matter.
April 5, 2015, Resurrection Sunday 8:30AM
The Witness of the Angels - Matthew 28:1 - 10
The Angels were the first witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and participated in announcing it to the women who came to the empty tomb. In this Resurrection Sunday sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the Resurrection from the perspective of the angels.
March 29, 2015, Palm Sunday
Don't Leave It For The Rocks! - Luke 19:28-40
God is going to get his praise either with us or without us. In this Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the words of Jesus who told his detractors that if his people kept silent, the very rocks would cry out.
March 22, 2015
A Delivering Faith - Mark 5:22-43
People can encounter many barriers to having true faith in Christ's power. There are those who feel they are to sophisticated to need Jesus and there are others who feel that they are too far gone for Jesus to help them. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines two miracles of healing that demonstrate that Jesus can deliver anyone who believes in him, and how we all need to believe.
March 15, 2015
When Jesus Does Not Seem To Care - Mark 4:35-41
Many believers have those times of personal challenge or difficulty that may cause them to wonder if Jesus cares about what they are going through. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the miracle of Jesus calming the wind and the waves and considers what it means for believers today.
March 8, 2015
Godly Friendship - Mark 2:3-5
The way people use the word "friend" has changed over the past decade or so... but should it? In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at Godly friendship as it is presented in Mark 2:3-5.
March 1, 2015
Jesus Can Fix It - Mark 1:40-42
A man came to Jesus believing that Jesus had the power to heal him. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood explores how the power of Jesus is what we all need to be made whole.
February 8, 2015
Never Alone - Matthew 28:20b
Even Christians who are strong in their faith need the abiding presence of Jesus to assure and strengthen them. In this final sermon of his five sermon series "Committed to the Commission," Pastor Norwood looks at the promise given to those who take the Great Commission seriously.
February 1, 2015
The Distinction of Discipleship - Matthew 28:20a
Salvation in Christ is by grace alone through faith along in Christ alone. But, once a person is saved, what is expected? In this fourth sermon in the series "Committed to the Commission," Pastor Norwood looks at an important aspect of discipleship.
January 25, 2015
More Than Mere Water - Matthew 28:19b
While different Christian Churches may have varying perspectives on the form and function of baptism, Bible believing Christians agree on the importance of baptism as the initiation rite into the visible church. In this third sermon in the series "Committed to the Commission," Pastor Norwood examines significance and power of baptism.
January 18, 2015
Go Teach! - Matthew 28:19a
There is truly no better news than the "good news" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sadly, many people don't really know what the Gospel is. In this second sermon from the series "Committed to the Commission," Pastor Norwood discusses what the Gospel actually is and why it is so important to understand it.
January 11, 2015
The Authority of the Almighty - Matthew 28:16-18
Bible believing Christians will affirm that the Lord Jesus has power over all things, but too often we forget that he also has authority over all things. In this first sermon from the series "Committed to the Commission," Pastor Norwood looks at the opening verses of the Great Commission and examines the authority of Jesus Christ.
October 5, 2014
Praying God's Blessings - Numbers 6:22-27
Christians have been called a "royal priesthood" in Christ. An aspect of serving in such a role is the privilege of blessing others. In this third sermon from the series "Teach Us To Pray," Pastor Norwood focuses in on an ancient form of blessing given by God for use by his priests.
September 28, 2014
Praying the Glory of God - Psalm 34:1-3
Too often our prayers can become "order forms" in which we merely list our wants and desires. In this second sermon from the series "Teach Us To Pray," Pastor Norwood examines the importance of giving glory to God in prayer.
September 21, 2014
The Importance of Prayer
How much of a priority is prayer in your life? How important should it be? In this first sermon from the series "Teach Us How To Pray," Pastor Norwood examines the request the disciples made of Jesus to teach them to pray and stresses just how important prayer is for the believer.
June 29, 2014
Celebrating the Goodness of God
How do you face each day? Too often Christians wait to see how a day turns out to determine if they have been blessed through it. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks to Psalm 118 for inspiring words about seeing God's goodness everyday.
June 22, 2014
Do The Impossible
Even believers are sometimes confronted by challenges that seem impossible to overcome. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood lifts the feeding of the five thousand to teach us how we are to face the call of Christ to do what seems impossible.
May 5, 2014
Hearts on Fire - Luke 24:13-35
Often even believers have to be reminded of the power of God and the nearness of God. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the experience of two disciples who encountered the risen Jesus as they traveled from Jerusalem to Emmaus and what that experience says to us today.
April 27, 2014
We Have Come This Far By Grace - 2 Corinthians 4:5-10
For many people, the presence of tribulation means the absence of God's grace. But, this could not be farther from the truth. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood is preaching at the Harmony United Methodist Church of Millsboro, Delaware, on the occasion of their Native American Sunday observance. He speaks about the fact that the presence of difficulty does not necessarily mean the absence of grace.
April 20, 2014 - Resurrection Sunday
8:30AM Service: I Serve A Risen Savior - Matthew 28:1-6
The reality of a living Jesus who rose from the dead is spoken about, but the weight of that truth is far more powerful that some consider. In this Resurrection Sunday sermon, the first of two from Matthew 28:1-10, Pastor Norwood examines the power of having a living Savior.
10:30AM Service: Oh I Want To See Him - Matthew 28:6-10
The great hope of every Christian should be to see Jesus. In this Resurrection Sunday sermon, the second of two from Matthew 28:1-10, Pastor Norwood considers the promise that the disciples will see Jesus, but also proclaims the importance of perceiving Jesus each and every day.
April 13, 2014 - Palm Sunday
"What Palm Sunday Is All About" - Luke 19:12-19
Palm Sunday is celebrated by Christians all over the world. But, do most believers really know why Palm Sunday is so important? In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the story of Palm Sunday in the Gosple of Luke and lifts some important truths about this holy day.
April 6, 2014
"Storming the Gates of Hell" - Matthew 16:15-18
Too often it can seem as though the Church is in retreat, or merely trying to defend itself from attack. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood lifts the words of the Lord Jesus Christ to remind believers that the Church is called to conquer the dominion of the Devil, not merely try to "fend it off."
March 30, 2014
"Standing on the Rock" - Matthew 16:13-18
People are sometimes confused as what the Christian Church is all about, and what Christians should be all about. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the confession of Saint Peter that "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God," as the foundational confession for the faith.
March 16, 2014
Its Not an Enteraining Performance - Matthew 4:5-7
Sometime people look for God to "dazzle" them in order to prove himself. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the second of three temptations of Jesus after his wilderness fast as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew.
March 23, 2014
Compromise is Sin - Matthew 4:8-11
There is so much that bids believers to turn from focusing on the Lord and compromise their faith, to slip in their walk of discipleship, to gain the world while losing their souls. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the third temptation of Jesus after his wilderness fast as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew.
March 9, 2014
Bread is Not Enough - Matthew 4:1-4
For many people, there is a focus on meeting physical needs, wants, and desires, while neglecting the importance of spiritual formation. In this Lenten sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the importance of spiritual nourishment.
March 2, 2014
Wilderness Endurance - Mark 1.12 - 13
People often look at difficult and trying times as a form of punishment. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the wilderness testing of Jesus and tells how such experiences are not necessarily punishments, but times of proving and strengthening.
February 23, 2014
Don't Stop Fishing - Luke 5:1-11
There are many things that make a person forget the responsibility every believer has for personal evangelism. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood looks at the story of the great haul of fish to remind us that we should never stop fishing for souls.
February 9, 2014
The Power of Private Prayer - Mark 1:32-35
Everyone has room to improve their prayer lives, and should realize the importance of doing so. In this sermon, Pastor Norwood examines the priority that Jesus placed upon his own time of prayer and vital prayer is to spiritual development.
Know Your Story - Philippians 3:4-9
Does the celebration of cultural history have a spiritual connection to your walk in Christ? In this sermon, Pastor Norwood is the guest preacher for the "AFRAM=Christo" celebation at the Saint John Baptist Church of Camden, New Jersey, and he examines the way that reflecting accurately on history and culture can inspire a person's walk of faith.
February 2, 2014
A Sense of Urgency - Mark 1:14-20
January 26, 2014
Through Difficulty to Destiny - Luke 2:36-38
January 19, 2014
An In-Between Time Faith - Luke 2:25-35
January 12, 2014
The Virtue of Obedience - Luke 2:21-24
January 8, 2014
What Worship is All About - Matthew 2:1-2
December 29, 2013
Can You Hear The Angels Sing? - Luke 2:8-14
December 22, 2013
The King is Coming - Luke 1:30-33
December 15, 2013
When the Routine Gets In the Way - Luke 1:11-18
December 8, 2013
The Hope of Holy Harmony - Isaiah 11:1-9
December 1, 2013
Walk in the Light - Isaiah 2:1-5
November 24, 2013
The Difference Between Being "Thankful For" and "Thankful To" - Luke 17:11-19 (focusing on verses 15-17)
November 17, 2013
A Second Wind - Jeremiah 20:8-9
November 10, 2013
Let Me Not Be Ashamed - Psalm 25:1-2